Sunday, April 1, 2012

"AJ" Phoenix's Finest Underground Emcee

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From the studio to the stage, Frank "AJ" Hernandez is on a mission to make his way into the music industry to pursue a career as a rapper.

Hernandez’s childhood inspired his stage name. He states, “A.J. it stands for Anthony Jr. It is a name that I have had since I was little and it is what most people know me by. It seemed the best and most natural name to use.”

Before Hernandez could come up with a stage name he had to find his calling for “spitting rhymes”. It all started when he and his best friend would freestyle together over different emcee’s songs on a bench at work. Later, they had a light bulb moment.

“After a month of that we decided to make an actual song. When we did, we figured we weren’t that bad and we kept making more and more until it became a passion,” says Hernandez.

Although, he and his friend discovered their passion together he is a solo artist, but the two do collaborate on records from time to time.

AJ is inspired by other hip hop stars such as J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Big Krit, Kid Cudi, and Tupac because of how personal they are in their songs and how their music makes them different.

Just like his rap idols, Hernandez tries to stand out and be different from the average mainstream artist by focusing on unique subject matters and by getting in touch with his feelings.

“I like sticking to things that are real. If I’m broke I’m not going to say that I’m balling (getting rich) through my music. Plus, I think I’m versatile,” states the aspiring musician.

The independent artist continues to work hard to be successful and so far he has released two mixtapes, Past/Present/Future and Press Play. Now he is working on his third mixtape and very first E.P. entitled Something out of Nothing and is hoping to get signed to a record label.

“Each song sounds different and gives a different feeling. Flow and delivery always differs. I also put in emotion. If I’m depressed you can hear it in my voice, same when I’m happy or mad,” says Hernandez.

Listeners can get to hear this through his cover over Fort Minor’s song Where’d You Go, where he expresses the struggles he has had in his relationship with his father and in his song Gotta Move On he talks about how he worked through a very difficult break up.

Not only does Hernandez deliver his music through mixtapes, but he also does different performances and opens up for other musicians’ shows.

Hernandez says, “I’ve done about 10 open mics and I’ve opened up for Cassy Veggies and XV. My most memorable moment is when I met XV and he told me my music was good and to keep grinding”.

His next performance is March 11at The Clubhouse Music Venue at 8:00 p.m. in Tempe, Arizona. He is going to be accompanied by a rap group called The Dean’s List. Tickets are $12.00 and they can be purchased at

“Get ready and expect hype and a just a dope show,” says Hernandez.

This young musician continues to work hard to reach his dreams and become successful in his craft. While doing so he offers some advice to other underground rappers trying to make it in the music game.

He states, “Keep grinding no matter what. The more work you put in the better the results.”

His Mixtape Press Play can be downloaded:

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